The score for Mysterium was a gift to Euterpe: Music Is The Key’s flagship performance group Ensemble Vivant by John Burke. For many years Dr. Burke studied the role of sound and music in the healing arts, one result being this beautiful composition. This music is associated with the contemplative ancient practice of walking the labyrinth. It need not be a real labyrinth, but can be a labyrinth of neighbourhood streets, of wilderness trails or a virtual labyrinth of the mind. This is music for a personal journey of the mind. Enjoy your trip.
Toronto film maker Robert DiVito comments that the film Mysterium was initially conceived as a visual companion to the musical landscape painted by composer John Burke. The storyboard involved the three-dimensional placement of the performers in various environments that were both breathtaking and magical. The film has three central themes; water-the flow of life, renewal-the continuous rebirth of life, and sacred space-life within that cannot be touched. Through various techniques the performance underscores these elements and is seen through a thinly veiled screen that mimics the way music permeates our lives. The remaining footage transports you through a variety of images that asks as many questions as it answers depending on the mood of the viewer.