On March 24, 2013 Euterpe: Music Is The Key presented Jethro Paris with a snare drum, drum stand, sticks and practice pad along with private drum lessons, thanks to the sponsorship of Yamaha Canada Music. The presentation occurred at the Yamaha Music School in Toronto, where Jethro’s lessons are taking place. Euterpe: Music Is The Key’s President violinist/violist Norman Hathaway and founder/artistic director, pianist Catherine Wilson, could feel Jethro’s excitement as he received his first drum set. His dream to play the drums had come true thanks to Euterpe: Music Is The Key and Yamaha Canada Music. Having just turned 11 years old, Jethro Paris is the younger brother of Ismael Paris, who is Euterpe: Music Is The Key’s inaugural scholarship recipient. Seeing his older brother receive a weighted 88 key digital keyboard, compliments of the Toronto Piano Group, and lessons at the Yamaha Music School, sponsored by Yamaha Canada Music, Jethro had been yearning to follow in his brother’s footsteps, and had asked Catherine Wilson for drums and drum lessons on several occasions.
The musical seeds had been planted, and Euterpe: Music Is The Key was determined to ensure that Jethro be given the same chance as his brother Ismael – to be given an instrument of his choice and the chance to reap the multiple benefits derived by participating in music making and quality music lessons. Upon the completion of his first lesson, Jethro excitedly told Norman and Catherine about his first lesson. He learned how to assemble his drums and drum stand, how to tune the drums, how to face them his way, and he learned how to hold the sticks, called a match grip. He learned about the quarter note and he was taught rhythmic patterns involving the quarter note. Jethro was so happy during his first lesson, that he felt sad when it ended, as he wanted his lesson to continue. He said that he was so happy that his dream to play the drums had come true, as he informed us that he had been yearning to play drums since he was 4 years old.